Let's take it back to the 80's, join us for a totally gnarly day of bowling, sweet jams, and competition to raise funds to help empower Kauai's keiki to achieve their greatest potential. Hilarious team rivalries, radical costumes, and all levels of bowling skill (or lack thereof) are welcomed and encouraged.
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Presenting Sponsor
Platinum Perfect Game Sponsors
Gold Strike Sponsors
Silver Spare Sponsors
Bowling Ball Sponsor
In-Kind Donor

In Support of Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawai'i
Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawai'i supports keiki from 6 yrs old and up through our one-to-one mentoring relationships which support their social and emotional development
Our youth-centered programs help our keiki create and achieve goals through the connection and support of their mentors. Each child, mentor, and family unit is guided through the process of enrollment, volunteerism, and support by all of our staff. We become 'ohana to ensure that the social and emotional needs of youth are being met and that every keiki has an opportunity to reach their full potential.
MATCH: Give the gift of friendship to a child in need of additional support.
SUCCEED: Your contribution opens up a whole new world of possibilities for our keiki. Help them to believe, achieve, and accomplish their dreams!